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Вакансии для моряков

Вакансия для Superintendent (No.493)

№ вакансии 493
Название вакансии Superintendent
Город Одесса
Зарплата 1
Обязанности Job requires frequent travelling-sailing onboard company's vessels and close monitoring of vessels' performance from the Office as
directed through Technical Management. Wage can be discussed basis on interview.
Требования Required ukrainian or russian chief engineers experienced on reefer vessels, maximum at the age of 45-50 years old willing to work as
Superintendents in Office (Greece) with good command of english (oral and written).
Контактное имя Odyssey Marine Crew Agency (Контактная информация)
Размещено июнь 17, 2010
Дата истечения вакансии август 16, 2010
Вакансия истекает через Истекший статус
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